To me, he stands out in multiple ways from other male models; he's not a skinny waif like so many you see on the runway and in ads (ahem, Prada, Burberry;) he's beautiful but rugged (he can rock clean shaven and scraggly beard;) and most importantly, he has an unforgettable face.
He always gives the camera what I call his "fuck me" look: Head tilted down, eyes looking up at you as if he's about to eat you. Or kill you. It's hot and as a result, he takes beautiful photographs and Calvin Klein really knows how to show off his best assets: his body and his face.
And for a while, I could only enjoy looking at him in magazines and the one role he had in Marie Antoinette until I found a video of him on Nylon TV. We learn that he loves hamburgers (what a coincidence, I love hamburgers too!) and he doesn't take modeling that seriously. It's a fun watch.
If you are not familiar with Jamie, then please, enjoy these photos of him (and Eva Mendes) in the Calvin Klein Spring jeans campaign.
You are welcome.

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