Monday, April 13, 2009

Shopping made difficult

My friend Michelle and I were planning on shopping for shoes after work. We got off at 5 and made our way up Spadina to Queen. We were hungry and decided to eat first at Pho before starting our quest for the perfect footwear; Michelle needed fancy shoes for a wedding as well as Campers and runners whereas I was looking for high-heeled black boots.

By the time we finished our food it was quarter to seven. No biggie, it wasn't even dark yet. But most of the shops were already closing. I ask you: Why do all the shops on Queen Street close so early? There must be some kind of rule or law because it doesn't make any practical business sense. There is barely enough time for people to leave work, get a bite to eat and shop. We managed to look in three or four stores before we gave up the search.

Random note: Since when are black boots "out of season"? Out all of all the stores I checked out, none of them carried them. Michelle politely informed me that stores only carry them during the Fall and Winter. I say screw that! Black boots are timeless and can be worn on the hottest as well as the coldest of nights. Black boots are hot! And so the search continues.

Another random note: Every store was carrying Hunter boots. You know, the rubber rain boots that cost upward of $150...for RUBBER BOOTS. I've got my eye on a pair or red tartan non-Hunter ones. Is $60 too much for rain boots? I'm tired of working with wet feet and pebbles in my toes.

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