But when you're a bag lover like me, who notices when bags are faux, it can get irritating. This morning I saw four fake Chanel Cambons; a small squishy black one, a red one (Chanel never made Cambons in red), a white Cambon with obvious plastic handles and another black one that looked like it was melting. It was awful.
I own the real Cambon and it's a beautiful bag; soft black calfskin leather in a quilted pattern (a Chanel trademark), long knotted leather handles, white interlocking Cs and the fuchsia interior.
It bothers me that these women don't know where fake bags come from and worse, don't care. They care about brand recognition; by being seen with a Chanel bag they have status and are seen as being "rich" and having taste.
But fake bags are the worst; not only are they made by children who work in deplorable conditions, but the sales of fakes are known to contribute to terrorist groups. If you want a nice handbag but can't afford a real designer bag, don't buy a fake.
There are so many options: Go to a consignment store where they sell designer clothes and accessories for almost half off; shop at stores such as Banana Republic which carry their own quality bags, go to a boutique to get a handmade, unique bag or you can try your luck on EBay (just make sure to get it authenticated on the Purse Forum.)
Even if you don't care about any of this and still want to buy a fake bag, consider this: People can always tell when you're wearing a fake and it makes you look ignorant. They look plastic. the seams fall apart and the material is crappy. In short, they look like garbage. Do you want to wear garbage? Didn't think so.
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