My last day in Seattle was quite interesting. After checking out of the hotel, we had about 8hr to enjoy before flight departure; so, we decide to see movies--like 3 movies in a roll--never did that before because am not such a movie person. The first movie was "Happening" with Mark Walbert--not bad at all. The second movie was "Zohan" with Adam Sandler; this movie was so bad that some people left the theater before it was over and someone else was actually snoring during the movie:-( The final movie was "Stranger". Liv Tyler did a great job--scary and great.
As we spent the remaining 8hrs before fight, I noticed quite a stir at my shoes and lots of compliment. This lady actually came up to me to take a picture of my shoes for her blog. I was so flattered :-)
ps:I have to say thanks to those who stop by my blog xoxo
Shoes: nordstrom, Tights: express, Shirt: Men's hannes, bag: H&M, Vest: Heritage1981 (men's section)